Just for a little laughter

Today I have to report about the end of the 4 years old
little X-Twin Martinet
Strange story.
We have a cat. His name is Peter. Peter is with us for 12 years now and
he is a good and respected member of the family. But on wednesday Peter
got accidentially locked in my workshop for an unknown number of hours.
He couldn't help himself out. So, in this bad situation he had to find
a possibility to get rid of his water. He decided to climb on my Martinet
and piss on it. The old fight: Cats against Birds!! Peter 1 - Martinet
0 !!

That's cats revenge for all that un-successfull bird-hunting.
Martinet is still alive, but stinks horrible. Cat-pee is the most stinking
ugly liquid in the world, trust me. I have to take Martinet to the final
rest after this weekend, where I will take part in the big "Nurflügeltreffen"
(wingonly-meeting) nearby at Wehrheim. Today the little X-twin Martinet
will have its last minutes in the air. :-) Never lost a model this way

By Stephan Brehm http://www.stephanb.rchomepage.com/